Sitemap - 2017 - Deez Links
bonus link for all you ~global citizens~ of the 'net
one last (& suitably cheery) link for 2017...
Even the fiction is getting on that 2017 scary train these days
Tl;dr, good storytellers get laid more
In praise of radical copyediting
Deez Interviews: Meet the globetrotting freelancer living your millennial lifestyle wet dream
“It is incumbent upon you to put a fucking boot in the face of the soulless careerist.”
the agony & ecstasy of insouciant meme merchants
dude heroes getting harder to come by
Deez Interviews: Meet the BuzzFeed video producer whose hands you’ve probably seen in your newsfeed
the year of the push notification
the revolution will covered in Teen Vogue
the information age goes insane
where's the Batman to our Gothamist though
more sexual harassment reading, i'm afraid
Choire Sicha on style & survival
The revolution will be Google Doc’d
Deez Interviews by proxy: reporting on sexual assault
TFW they make dating almost seem fun
Come for The Daily sausage-making, stay for the Mikey Barb “Happy Bday” mashup
🎶 mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of Obama’s portrait aesthetic 🎶
How to not pull a Harvey Weinstein in **one easy step**
brb looking forward to the 2027 Oscars
On the original & most effective women’s media network: gossip
on The New Yorker tote as the humblebrag (humblebag??) of our time
Members of Trump’s inner circle — they’re just like us!
Required reading: Tolentino on Houston
no bajillion-dollar textbooks required
More video absolutely more problems
This Site Reveals The One Brutal Truth About Mic
can't miss links on Charlottesville & state of the union
Be the no-nonsense interview subject you wish to see in the world
Deez Interviews: Meet the Snapchat maestro with a direct line to the news consumers of tomorrow
attn: international expansion-minded publications: be like Paul
links for optimizing your $$ and networking
Is media 2017 really handling civil discourse better than media 1998 tho
Deez Interviews: Meet the copywriter who wants you to give a shit about something
annotated transcripts for the masses, plz
Cover letter (& overall courage) goals
the new plan: fuck advertisers, get money!!!!
Deez Interviews: Meet the uncomfortably chill documentary journalist you wish you were
media moms & dads bout to be outta here
Copy desk to NYT: ugh you started wearing less & going out more
Free editing tips for the Times
when chatbots start making you feel kiiiinda uncomfy
on that GOT content industrial complex...
Deez Interviews: Meet a former intern queen who’s now a red carpet pro
Deez Interviews: Meet an event designer translating journalism for IRL
Video pivoters: congratulations, you played yourself
journalism's most epic walk & talk?
Deez Interviews: Meet an avocado advocate (advocado??)
the unsung heroes who've read all our bullshit
beyonce & mean girls explain the state of the industry
Taking on the WSJ “white castle”
Important journalism q: is a profile on a doll still a profile??
the best Rolling Stone 2014 fuckup autopsy out there
Reading about writers reading = new drink of choice
on the economy of girl teen-ness
M. Sullivan is not here for your shit
So mobile spending is up, and oh also we might all exist in The Sims World one day guys
escape from the digital colosseum
an Ariana-themed letter I wish I didn't have to send
more comics content 2k17, please
News & big moves from the Huff
TFW you wanna be a hero but also have a 401k
NPR drinkin' that hones-tea...
The public relations of self-love
Humans of Craigslist Platonic Ads
how to quantify the fast & furious
the man the myth the blue bottle legend
Hillz <3s gifs and other takeaways from Women in the World
there's tone deaf, and then there's bleeding, ruptured ear drum carnage
2005 flashback & commencement speech crack
all art history lectures should be like this tbh
The style guide for not sounding racist
TFW you feel relief for the first time since November???
The devil wears millennial pink
someone let me know where Daniel Craig figures in on all this tho??
adjusting Wikipedia for #herstory
mags & lies: a snow day reading list
WSJ's brand campaign is a J-school love song
fragile beta masculinity on the mind
the Twitter account you need to follow today
ayyo NYT, the ~truth is~ you have some things to get in order
Watch your back, Nicholas Sparks
Brb nominating this for Facebook Comment Response Hall of Fame
Come for the alt-right deep dive, stay for the terrifying fairy tale metaphor
no 👏 more 👏 pipeline 👏 excuses! 👏
we get the moderators we think we deserve
the NYT is your ambitious older sibling who just can't chill, can she
more for the Bacheloron thinkpiece canon
Valentines for the office environment bc work is all of our boyfs rn…
“Head to toe Gucci every day, baby!”
And the award for trolliest shopping guide ever goes to…
look at your life look at your choices
'Bowled over (ok it's monday people)
alt-media for your alt-reality
the revolution will not be televised, but maybe sent in a newsletter?
love, history and other quaint things
carry yourself with the confidence of a billionaire Silicon Valley coward
So engaged your gonna need your ring size
moving links to moving pictures
The ’Feed on that #PultizerHustle
oops okay here is an actual picture of saltbae
from one Tinyletter to another
On magic solution media ventures...
Because moms shouldn’t be the only ones to care about bylines