Ugh RIP Lucky Peach

The saddest news: Lucky Peach — that photogenic as hell foodie mag from celeb chef/ramen god Dave Chang and writer Peter Meehan — will be folding in May.
Eater’s got a rundown of their favorite Lucky Peach articles you can still read online, and Grubstreet makes the case for why this mag mattered to more than just your food snob friends in New York. The voice! The drop-dead-gorgeous design! The weird, amazing stories — and, I’d add on a more personal note, one of the few food publications that’s managed to really cover “ethnic” food less like a gawky tourist here for the Insta, and more like a patient local who’s not about to dumb down the spice just because.
Also, Deez Links has pushed this link before, but I v. recommend their award-winning essay Pork Life, to read one more time.
RIP, Lucky Peach — may other lifestyle publications learn from what you did so deliciously well.
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