no bajillion-dollar textbooks required

Feelin’ some back-to-school vibes coming on but don’t actually want to drop another hundo thous on an educational experience? I defer you to the Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves, a crowdsourced Google Doc most notably promoted by NYT mag writer Jenna Wortham after the Charlottesville travesty.
You’ll find the usual links to Employerlantic & luminaries like Toni Morrison and Audre Lorde, but what’s mega cool is the conscious effort made to link to resources outside of the mainstream media. There’s articles, there’s explainers, there’s even actual books to read! You don’t need me to tell you that learning about race relations in America isn’t just for white people, but uh it’s otherwise a pretty apt title. LMK what you’re reading off the syllabus, and we can compare notes!
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