Video pivoters: congratulations, you played yourself

On The Awl last week, Silvia Killingsworth goes on a severely needed rant about how everyone (most recently MTV) is abandoning their grandmothers and 401ks and sense of dignity in pursuit of The Pivot To Video, which is supposedly the latest holy grail revenue stream that’s going to snag the teenz and make money.
Alas, as Killingsworth points out, most of this “video” people are tryna pivot towards isn’t video (or news, or stories) at all — but rather “pink slime content nuggets" that won't do a damn thing for your bottom line. Read the whole thing, “When the video plays you,”, then link it out to whatever CFO is lurking around your newsroom with a gleam in her/his eyes.
(While you’re over on The Awl, I also recommend getting lost into the quagmire of intellectual property as it tries to exist on the internet, in: The Triumphant Rise of the Shitpic.)
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