Important journalism q: is a profile on a doll still a profile??

The whole New Journalismy genre of men’s magazine profiles has so long been dominated by, of course, ~the men,~ that it’s been a goddamn ball to watch Caity Weaver tearing it up over at GQ, particularly with last month’s cover story on The Rock.
Her latest utter delight (though not technically a profile, though I guess it is a profile on a doll?): an investigation into the new & improved (aka more bodily & racially inclusive) Ken doll.
It’s truly a testament to Weaver’s talent on how she turned what must have been the world’s most syrupy corporate press release into a thrilling modern-day Wonka factory escapade, with some choice insights on male representation & the hipster parent complex, to boot.
After reading, get thee to Twitter to catch up on all the excellent man bun Ken doll tweets, such as:

also known as the "well actually" Ken doll
Moreover, if you’re new to the Weaver fandom, her TGI Fridays endless appetizers expose, from her Gawker days, should be up for a Pulitzer nom any day now.
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