omg hiiii! + How To Career

Aaaaaand we’re back! Thanks for stickin with us over our little hiatus here at Deez Links — I’ve dearly missed you all and am pumped to be sliding into your inboxes once again.
To all new subscribers who’ve hopped on the Deez train in the last month, hello & welcome!!
In case you’re not super sure what you’ve gotten yourself into, this is a fun lil TinyLetter that I send each weekday morning with a link or two to cool/interesting/roast-worthy shit happening in the the media industry.
Some fave topics include: diversity and representation (both wins & fails) in the industry, neat intersections of tech & storytelling, and also generally quirky iNtErNeT things that help pass the time until nuclear fallout. And on Fridays, we publish a Q&A with noteworthy youths doing some of said cool shit in their line of work (check out some previous Deez Interviews here, here and here!)
Deez Links started about ~1.5 years ago as a way to gossip on industry news with friends, and that’s still our m.o. As always, feel free to hit reply below to suggest links, Deez Interview subjects or just say hi!
And now, today’s link:
I’ve spent the past month getting settled in at BuzzFeed (namely: getting cozy with the fro-yo machine and also kind of starting a minor flu epidemic that may or may not have gone all the up to our might say I’ve gone...viral…) (Hehe) (Sorry) (Especially sorry if you got said flu…) — and as many fellow friends & peers are also making/considering making their first ~big kid~ career changes this time of year, I had to share this deck about Not Freaking Out If You Don’t Know Exactly What You’re Doing With Your Life Yet, from the NYT’s global growth editor, Millie Tran.
As a certified media rockstar who’s been shaking things up for years at the American Press Institute, BuzzFeed and now the NYT, you’d think Tran of all people has always had that 20-year plan on serious lock. But, as you’ll see in her deck, the arc of one’s career universe is long and bends toward clarity only in hindsight — until then, everyone of us is p. much making it up as we go — and as long as you’re making it work for you & yr values & yr skills, you’ll be v. fine.
It’s a must-read, especially if you’re a young’un trying to plot your next move, but also useful to anyone trying to forge a meaningful career out of the excitingly scary chaos out here.
Like Deez Links? Forward to some young’uns w/skills. Also OKAY WOW THIS FIRST ONE WAS LONG but can you tell that I missed you guys??