TFW you wanna be a hero but also have a 401k

Two links today looking at the strange reality of being a journalist today:
First, The New York Times’ new shiver-inducing #truth ads, putting their photojournalists’ & reporters’ work on center stage, in much of their (very much deserved) heroic glory.
Of course, this kind of stuff is 99% what we all had in mind the minute we marched into our first Principles of Journalism 1100 lecture and decide that we are going to use our lives to tell some motherfuckin stories, ya feel?
And then: Poynter’s roundup comparing parental leave policies in American newsrooms, which, to say the least, throws a tub of ice water over all that romanticism because well, also we need some benefits, ya feel?
The bajillion dollar Q, of course, is how we create a business model (& also industry standard) that makes journalism possible to do for anyone who doesn’t have access to free nannies. HMU if you’ve got ideaz.
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