the best traistertake yet
If you haven’t read Rebecca Traister’s post-Weinstein piece for The Cut “Your Reckoning. And Mine”, do it NOW.
Over the past year, there’s certainly been no shortage of great thinkpiece/reporting mashups on the agony and ecstasy but mostly agony of being a woman in 2017, but this one is the one we’ve been waiting for. You’ll need to dedicate a good lunch hour to it, but Traister’s writing on trying to make sense of the sexual assault allegation wave in terms of the 2016 election and modern feminism captures the full spectrum of emotions and thoughts, and ends on a pretty war cry of a kicker.
And, if you need just a little more woman-power in your day, you’ll want to read about the literal marathon-level of shine theory that made NYC Marathon winner Shalane Falanagan’s victory all the more sweet.
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