theDirt on theSkimm
Sincerest apologies for the radio silence over the past 11-ish days — ya girl was blissfully abroad, where an international data plan was spent Yelping tapas spots and checking only intermittently on Twitter primarily to ensure America was still going to, like, be there, upon return (and boy did things look dicey on that front for a bit).
So far, the best recap of American politics I’ve found isn’t from news outlet or broadcast network, but this ferocious reality GIF Twitter thread (which continues here). But please send me any & all other #quality content I may have missed!!!
And, because you know I can’t resist a little media-on-media spice, I gotta pass along this Slate hit piece on theSkimm newsletter, which I could deconstruct & feast on for days, particularly for lines like this:
“The newsletter keeps readers’ attention by peppering serious news items with conversational quips, like a thirsty high-school history teacher rapping about current events.”
To which I say...
Like I don’t have the biggest boner for theSkimm (mostly because I never won any of the 2938573087 sweepstakes I entered back when I was young & hopeful), but you’re not alone if you take issue with the overall hoity toity tone of this.
Bc like, yes, theSkimm isn’t exactly Woodward & Bernstein type shit, but also, do we really have the excess energy rn to be spending denigrating a media outlet that manages to reach 1 million readers who may or may not read news elsewhere? Isn’t that how we ended up in this #mediasopretentious fuckery??
Also, just as a matter of principle, I kind of refuse to fuck with any entity that’s responsible for registering 110,000 people+ readers to vote in a national election, as I am a trash civilian who’s helped get approximately 0.000 people registered. BUT, okay, counterpoint: I do agree that their logo is completely idiotic.
What do you think? Are you pro-Skimm or anti-Skimm?
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