Today marks the one-year anniversary since this lil’ TinyLetter first landed in an inbox — which is serious cause for celebration because it means that you’ve been on this crazy ride with me for a whole 365 days, give or take a few holidays/weekends/days I had strep. ‘TIS AN AMAZING FEAT, y'all.

I started this project with no real experience of committing to anything longer than the time it took to like, register a domain name, and the privilege of sharing ~links & thoughts~ with you all has been an honor.
Today’s links: a rec from my girl Gabi, who told me about this NYT Magazine writer who tweets the best sentence he reads every day, and also this Tumblr catalog of shit said to lady journalists, because of course, Deez is nothing if not powered by the delicious shade of a thousand pissed off women writers.
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