“Boing boing, bitches”
For all my entry-level peeps comin’ up on that 2-or-3-year itch post-college and wondering what lies beyond Big Girl Job #1, allow me to link you to “Boing Boing Boing, Bitches,” from the personal finance blog Bitches Get Riches (<-- is that a life motto or a life motto though??).
If not the #realest, then this post is at least the most viciously hilarious worded piece of career advice out there right now (See: “I jumped so high it looked like that move where you strategically abandon Yoshi to double-jump off his back after his double-jump.”)
Eager to know your thoughts on being a job hopper vs. career loyalist — especially when it comes to working in the media. Are you more of a stick-with-it-and-Miranda-Priestly-will-reward-thee type, or someone 5ever on the move? Lmk!
Plus: The only post-One Love Manchester thinkpiece on Ariana and the power of teen pop from The Cut, here.
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