Big Little Lies >>>>>>
Holy luxury oceanfront batshit, you guys, last night’s finale of Big Little Lies has me reevaluating what it means to be anyone who is not Reese Witherspoon dedicating her career to finding these kinds of incredible ~woman-driven~ stories and propelling them through the Hollywood machine with pure blonde, iron-clad vision.
Except, of course, there’s being Nicole Kidman (love this Vogue interview with her on her incredible role as Celeste), whose performance is a must-watch, especially since her like, entire career is based on the catch-22 that is being a female actress — read this up on Anne Helen Peterson’s exquisite analysis here.
Overall, I’m wishing you a happy Monday filled with recap-reading and water-cooler-debating, but definitely don’t miss Vulture’s most excellent recap, which analyzes the theme of tribal loyalty at play in the show / America / the entire world rn, and a closer feminist reading of the ending to discuss w/your happy hour squad, as you cheers to a world of more representative storytelling where women get to like, be actual individuals and stuff.
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