News & big moves from the Huff
Recommended weekend read: What Bullets Do To Bodies, from HuffPost’s digital magazine/a most excellent longform generator. It’s A) an astounding look at the gun violence issue that takes a geniusly new perspective — from that of a trauma surgeon — and also B) here’s hoping, an example of the dominant kind of journalism that we’ll maybe come to expect from the recently facelifted site (def. read Lydia Polgreen’s new Letter from the Editor here.)
So, Deezers, what do we think? Is the new & improved HuffPost here to stay? Or will it stay as a content farm primarily known for their huff — er, puff — pieces? (ok wow that was bad i promise i’m going home now).
Like Deez Links? Forward to Shonda Rhimes bc we just got some epic Grey’s Anatomy material here...