~Long weekend links~
Cool shit on the radar today:
Syrian refugees are using Whatsapp to connect with families and friends back home — it’s not only fuckin heartbreaking, but it’s also shining a strange new light on the role of Whatsapp/digital communication today in the context of our biggest humanitarian crisis rn.
My colleague Sarah recommended the podcast My Favorite Murder to me upon discovering we both have a similar weird thing for all things macabre — but this BuzzFeed piece talks about how it’s not just the interesting format + content matter that’s noteworthy — it’s also acknowledging in a groundbreaking that weird thing that almost all women have to do, known as ~staying alive in a world when men kill us~.
I did one of those things where I took my eyes off Twitter for a hot sec, and so if you’re still working out the intricacies of the Oprah tape / Puzder freakout, too, you’re not alone. But this Politico story pulls back the curtain on the straight-up exhausting/tedious journalisming that was involved to make it all happen. ‘Cause it’s not always that Spotlight-type shit, ya know??
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