Sitemap - 2021 - Deez Links
she's everything we're insecure about, or: why we love talking about why we love Olivia Rodrigo
live q&a w/Terry Nguyen + more asian joy tiktoks
Q&A with Huge Ma (@TurboVax): “The short shelf life was a feature, not a bug.”
so can we make NFTs work for Black creators or what
your APD hive invite and some toks
sooooo bad vibes at Insider huh
finding asian joy on (duh) tiktok
the promising accountability of the workplace confessional
4 good & quick royal interview links
pro tip if you're planning to tweet out The Screenshot one day
TV letter of recommendation for: The Great
Q&A with Brady Gerber: “Carelessly-made art can do a lot of damage”
quick tok break (+ a covid-19 data workshop starting today!)
Clubhouse: for when you miss bumping into (or actively avoiding) people
baby & wannabe TV writers, this one’s for you
on unimaginative interpretations of objectivity
your inauguration week distraction tiktok emergency pack
unfortunately i too now love the show that all the dads love
Is it just me or is that lab leak cover story one big “haha what if...unless?”