ttfn :’)
Wanted to wait until the news became official official, and now I can finally type out one very surreal compound sentence: so, I’ve sold my novel, and later this month, I’m joining Vanity Fair as a senior correspondent.
It’s two pieces of news that I’ve been dying to share with the Deez Links fam, because you’ve all singularly encouraged my writing and weird little interests over these past five years in a way that’s quite literally changed my life. As the ancient lore goes, I started Deez Links in 2016 as an aimless intern looking to pass the time — but deep down, of course, if we’re being totally honest, I was desperately hoping the newsletter could one day get me a tiny bit closer to The Dream: to write for a magazine, to write and publish a novel. The fact that both are now happening at once feels so ludicrous that I cannot talk about it in person with a straight face, especially when the past year(s) have involved a general personal reckoning around my relationship to work and worth. But that’s a thread for another day…
In the last edition of this newsletter, I said I was putting Deez Links on hiatus; now you know why. As much as I love this newsletter, I know I can’t do it justice / not go nuts while also having a new job and a book on the front burners. I’ve spent the past few months thinking up a million ways I could keep it going somehow — I’m so proud of the platform it’s turned into as well as the little piece of financial success we’ve eked out via the classifieds network with Study Hall and Today in Tabs. I still plan to write little missives here and there with the newsletter, and I’ll still be maintaining my channels in the Sidechannel Discord, but otherwise, I think for now that the best thing for the newsletter is a long, well-deserved nap. You’ve been so generous inviting me into your inboxes for this long.
Thank you for sticking with me this whole time. Thank you for helping me find my voice. I hope I can make you all proud. You can aaaaaalways find me on Twitter in the mean time.
xoxo talk soon,