You’ll have to excuse us: Deez Links nation is taking advantage of the fact that we have actually seen a movie on its opening weekend for the first time ever, and therefore going buck wild gorging on the buzz around Black Panther. (Tl;dr, it’s a joyful cinematic treat, and you should honestly X out of this email and book your tickets right the fuq now instead.)
wow, ok, so: Wakanda
wow, ok, so: Wakanda
wow, ok, so: Wakanda
You’ll have to excuse us: Deez Links nation is taking advantage of the fact that we have actually seen a movie on its opening weekend for the first time ever, and therefore going buck wild gorging on the buzz around Black Panther. (Tl;dr, it’s a joyful cinematic treat, and you should honestly X out of this email and book your tickets right the fuq now instead.)