wow, ok, so: Wakanda
You’ll have to excuse us: Deez Links nation is taking advantage of the fact that we have actually seen a movie on its opening weekend for the first time ever, and therefore going buck wild gorging on the buzz around Black Panther. (Tl;dr, it’s a joyful cinematic treat, and you should honestly X out of this email and book your tickets right the fuq now instead.)
There’s a billion directions to go in on how Marvel’s latest could change Hollywood, be in the running for brainiest soundtrack ever, or be remembered as a masterful meditation on African diaspora & identity, but I’ll just leave this tweet thread here from @diasporicblues, an African history and women’s studies undergrad who pulls out just a few of the inspired references that the fictional nation of Wakanda makes to African tribes and nations. Think of it as just a taste of how visually detailed and thoughtful about representation this film is, and how we’re not nearly done thinking about it yet.
(Also, Drake listeners who’ve seen the movie can’t miss this tweet).
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