I know this is a hater column but this reminds of why I love winter in Berlin so much: you can go a couple of months without having to hear an American complain about art galleries before they come out again in spring

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I work closely with my company's German office and it's true...the # of vacation days/holidays is insane, but I'm really just jealous.

Also, PLEASE make this a permanent newsletter. It has quickly become my favorite.

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"a preteen's idea of being edgy" is a GEM of a statement (also I've never been Berlin and this was very insightful)

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Ah, Clit grafitti: I know it well. And, of course, the Number 6, painted obsessively by the Missing Foundation guy. But perhaps the author should spend some time outside of Neukölln or the tech offices of Schöneweide?

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Can’t get on board with the Berlin hate. It’s paradise compared to NYC in so many ways. There’s space, parks, green space, hot guys, it’s so much cheaper, and creative people can actually afford it (though who knows how long that will last).

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“30 vacation days per year is TOO MANY VACATION DAYS” don’t move to France 😂

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i love anonymous person writing about hating berlin

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lol I wish I’d written this

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