chile where do I even begin.....this text is oozing with so much self-inflicted misery. Every third line highlights the exact steps this person took to dig themselves into this culturally ignorant, pretentious, pity hole. This rant stinks of so much misdirected apathy it's almost humorous to read; like, do they not know they're insufferable? That people are most likely avoiding them?

Short films are only good if they make it Sundance (?) DJs must be DJs ONLY and for their WHOLE LIFE or they're not "real" DJs (? I wonder who's gonna play music at their sad little cigarette house party) & don't even think about making a chair, it won't impress them! The only people thinking like this in 2024 are scourged Republican soccer dads observing the world from the passenger seat of a mini van...

$204 per outting for them to stand on the wall in their Skechers and realize that maybe the space Just Might Not Be Made For Them...I gotta print this one out and hang it "beware of ogre" style around Brooklyn bc wow!

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This whole hater series surprised me. Aside from maybe one good one, I didn’t realize the audience/scene here were such losers.

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Man, this one was a bummer, and I don't even like raves. The problem here is clearly not raves; it's that this person is forcing themselves to engage in activities they don't enjoy to fit in with "friends" they have nothing in common with. This person further tells on themselves when they decide to punch at people who identify as multiple things. Who cares? Why the cheap shots at their work/hobbies? Grow up and get some therapy. You're just making yourself look bad here.

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what the fuck made you so damn bitter. nowadays doesn’t police you for staring at people they’re their to make sure everyone is safe and comfortable. why would you have a problem with that? and idk why you’re acting like you can’t talk to people in bk rave spaces you can walk literally 2 ft off the dance floor to talk to people.

and literally who the fuck cares that you’re tired of sleeping in and feeling that your weekends been wasted. that’s your fucking fault like just stay the fuck home and have your own damn house party if that’s what you want. you’re not “forced to participate in rave culture”

It’s okay to not enjoy things. but making it seem like it’s everyone else's fault when you’re incapable of enjoying yourself is insane. next time keep it in the journal and do some more self reflection because my god bitch do you need it. no one’s forcing you in these spaces.

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no one's forcing you into this space either queen!

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I live in bumfuck. Don’t move here, it’s worse.

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Was trying to express a similar sentiment in conversation the other night and my girlfriend sent me this and now I don’t have to argue with my friends I’m just going to pull this up on full brightness and plop it down in front of them. good good stuff!

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the self absorption at work here is hilarious given how hard the author is trying to paint everyone else around them as shallow and egotistical. it seems like they can't stretch their imagination enough to picture a social life where they engage in a community of people that love and appreciate the same things they do. i understand how it must be alienating feeling pressure from friends who i guess are just dragging them around to these things, but it's kind of shocking how unaware they must be of just how entitled they are. how are we expected to feel bad for someone who lacks the common sense that they need to actually work towards finding hobbies and creative practices that they actually enjoy - and communities around those.

"None of this means I don’t want to rave anymore. I just want to diversify my nights. And call this kind of nightlife for what it is: a good way to spend some weekends." like girl if this is how you feel, there's no place for you here! when they said "I’m tired of dancing to music that, to me at least, all sounds the same and which I can’t even enjoy unless I’m on a copious amount of drugs" i understood everything i needed to know. this is a music culture babe, if you don't like the music or don't know how to listen then to it then you should probably fuck off and do something else. bc yeah, staying up all night doing drugs for no reason is not the most fulfilling way to spend your time.... shocker!!!!

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have you considered simply not going

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I’m a multi-hyphenate living in Brooklyn who enjoys the rave, and I found this bloody hilarious and it resonated with me slightly. Nice one.

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This person seems to have no will power, can’t define fun for themselves, and their friends suck. Stop raving if you hate it and the people who participate so much...like damn. Stop worrying about being perceived as “lame”. Just stfu honestly.

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That period belongs inside the quotation mark, honey. Nothing lamer than bad syntax!

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Go away (and consider that your 2nd grade grammar might, just might, be narrow and outdated)

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Oh Lexi, whatever happened to FUN?

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Girl just stay home 😭 who is forcing you to go to Nowadays?? It’s giving holier than thou! Also LOLing at you calling Ridgewood an expensive neighborhood & being mad that the club heavily promotes safety n consent?? Weird ass takes lol

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The first offramp to being a Trump supporter or a 2028 DeSantis supporter. Lexi is faux “queer” and will be married to man soon, will be banging out some kids, leave NY for the suburbs and be voting Trump within 5 years. We’ve all been there. She’s tired of it, so is everyone.

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The beauty of NYC is that it exists on opposite sides of some invisible spectrum where you either love it or hate it. It’s never just “alright.” If you can make it here, you’ve fucking made it. It’ll eat you alive and spit you out, but don’t discredit people from trying. That takes balls. That takes labia.

That being said, it sounds like you have a boundaries problem with your friends. The phrase “not my circus, not my monkeys” comes to mind. You don’t have to be at a rave. In fact, you probably shouldn’t be. We don’t want you. We want people who show up ready to let themselves feel, party, and discover new passions.

It’s not the drugs, although they certainly do help - it’s the music and energy. To me, it’s otherworldly. It’s a renaissance for me at 32. It’s made me want to learn and pursue the music. It’s the moment where I’m with my closest friends and we are all just “vibing”. To me, that is special and worth protecting.

Do not come if you’re bringing your baggage. Come when you have a genuine openness to the experience and if you can nurture the energy on the floor. Not everyone can, and it’s very apparent that they can’t. But to those of us who can, my god, what a fucking ride.

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This is hilarious. People are so triggered in the comments, probably because there is some truth here that they don't want to acknowledge. It's ok to enjoy the scene and all that it offers but also be aware and critical of a lot of the nonsense and hypocrisy that the author presents.

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There is literally nothing constructive about this article lmao simply a bitter Betty with a dry pussy whining about how miserable her life is based on the choices SHE made 😭 I literally don’t even like raving, that’s the thing… at least she’s self-aware knowing she’s lame.

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Hilarious and accurate. Enjoyable read.

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I’m 70 and I still listen to Sasha and Deep Dish. I stay away from people so can’t comment on the other stuff.

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