Deez Links: the Obama edition
Today is a day for Obamabrouhaha (is that a thing? Let’s make it a thing) because The Atlantic has published the very thing that liberals have been dreaming about: Ta-Nehisi’s take on the Obama presidency in “My President Was Black.” Buckle up, boys and girls, get yourself comfortable, make sure you take a bathroom break first. It’s time for a deep fucking dive.
This is not to say MyEmployerlantic has the monopoloy on Obama retrospectives — you simply must check out WaPo’s supremely creative virtual museum of the Obama presidency, as well, of course, as NY Mag’s collection of thank you notes to Michelle, and jumbo presidency timeline, both from October.
Did I miss anything? Plz forward. And as always, enjoy the shit out of White House photographer Pete Souza’s national treasure of a Flickr cache.
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