You go, Jay Fielden

Ah, Esquire. The gold standard of ~journalism by men, for men~ that all your J-school exes worshipped as they used your Cosmo issues as meal placemats. And yet, such writing. Such journalism. Such innovation. If only someone, a new executive, perhaps, there would make it less of a good ol’ boys’ club…
Enter Jay Fielden, the mag’s new editor, and this interview he did with Adweek on his plans for Esquire's future. It will give you hope, my I-have-conflicted-feelings-about-men's-lifestyle-magazines-that-produce-good-journalism brethren. Especially this part:
“When you have women who are not simply in lingerie in the magazine, you're creating a different idea about what a men's magazine is. When you have significant bylines who are women, significant photographers who are women, significant figures in the magazine who are women, you're actually mirroring what real life is. There needs to be a lot more realness to the magazine, in my opinion. A lot less worry about whether it's manly or not. That's a trope that I think has had its time.”

Yessssss. Esquire, welcome to 2016.