yes that AOC doc is good!! we've seen it!!
Guys guys guys the Netflix trailer for “Knock Down The House” (the, yes, AOC doc but it’s more than that!!) debuted yesterday, and you need to mark your calendars to watch it on May 1 (May Day, of all days—exquisite timing there).
We caught the film at True/False Film Fest a few months ago and walked in eXtReMeLy skeptical of the general dangers of over-stanning a “cool” politician, but tbqh, we laughed, we wept, we waved our arms around charmingly and reminded ourselves to ~take up space~. It’s a must-watch both if you’re interested in the stories of how four female grassroots candidates tried to step it up for their communities in 2018, and also if you’re wondering whether that mystical AOC x-factor holds up under a feature-length treatment (ugh, you’ll get actually mad at how well it does).