When they go low, we go all Selena Gomez
In response to the torrential downpour of death threats, vitriol and collective conservative aneurysm that the Arizona Republic has faced since its historic Hillary Clinton endorsement earlier this month, the paper’s (female & Korean-American yaaaas!!) publisher, Mi-Ai Parrish, is going full-frontal-kill’em-with-kindness in an open letter that you’ve got to read.
In a time when ~the media~ is made out to be public enemy no.1, it’s a heartfelt reminder that goddamit, general public, there are people getting up and going to Trump rallies & doing 5 a.m. paper routes & working overtime like crazy just to make sure y’all can be as #informed as possible. Liiiike, spoiler alert, no one’s doing this for the money.
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