“Want to look good in your wedding dress? Put it on. Walk down the aisle lined with everyone who loves you.”
This Glamour essay from Caroline Moss last week, I Gained 20 Pounds Before My Wedding and It Was Still Perfect, is not only great counterprogramming from a summer/lifetime’s worth of general wedding & wedding prep content, but it also exquisitely skewers a gag-inducing fail of a recent NYT article about the “perfect workout for your wedding dress silhouette” and how they made it even WORSE with a very bad headline change.
Read it and weep for whoever had to do damage control over there, and then if you need further material that dunks on the wedding industrial complex, go go go and order Moss’s book Hey Ladies (which we discussed in our 2018 Deez Interview with her back in the day!), quick, before another college bestie in your life gets engaged!!
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