Wakanda 101
More Black Panther content because you’re living a gray, soulless existence until you do: This middle school teacher created a “Wakanda Curriculum” in order to teach 5th-8th graders about colonialism, black feminism, Afrofuturism, and more. We’re going out on a limb here and assuming the rest of us adultos could also use a brush-up, yea??
More broadly, it’s fascinating to see this as another manifestation of the role that the lowly Google Doc has played in the era of ~the resistance~ (most notably in the Shitty Media Media men list, but also that giant one about getting an IUD that went around post-election, and so on). Ann Friedman wrote about this unexpected power of Google activism late last year, and it’s fascinating to see how that “share” button seems to have only gained traction and power. In the age of social media and info overload, the shared doc operates in a relatively closed network, usually doesn't attract comments/haters, and is capable of transmitting a LOT of complex info without threatening to disappear into the timeline. What can't it be used for in 2018 tbqh??
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