two reasons why you should keep working on that draft
The less fun part of all this back-to-school energy is the oh shit time to reevaluate all my life choices energy that comes with it, and for that we recommend two links that will extremely help:
The first is Taylor Lorenz’s Longform interview, which came out the day her new role with the NYT Styles Section was announced — AKA, the kind of covetous career move news that can as easily impress you as it can send your ego into shambles. Which is exactly why you need to listen to her talk about how she got her start doing social media for a corporation and literally thinking she’d never actually be a reporter until recently, because she hadn’t been so sure about her writing skills. Prepare yourself to feel whole-heartedly seen and inspired.
Then, you should also read this Into the Gloss interview with author R.O. Kwon (she wrote The Incendiaries, that buzzy novel from last year that took her TEN YEARS to finish). She’s got the v. specific skincare recs, good tips on setting up a writing routine that works for you, **and** the most killer insight into her own writer origin story after starting off in consulting and hating it: matter how miserable the writing gets, no matter how disheartened I can get, even my worst writing day never feels as bad as it did when I tried to live a life away from it.
Remember that. Live by that. and finish your freakin draft already we know you have one!!