tl;dr, it's The Sisterhood of The Traveling Sleazebag

Don’t let the #MeToo fatigue get you, because attention span is probably a patriarchal construct that we can work together to also dismantle!!! But also, really, add this This American Life episode, centering around five women whose lives were most fucked with in all manner of ways by a Shitty Media Man (Don Hazen of Alternet & formerly Mother Jones), to your podcast queue.
We like it for the alternating perspectives format, as if this were some kind of YA novel à la The Sisterhood of The Traveling Sleazebag, because how else can you underscore the whole ~ once a harasser, always a harasser ~ theory of pervativity huh??
(Also speaking of podcasts, enter this with me and maybe we can party with podcast king Michael Bar-bae-o together???)
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