tired: going on vacations. wired: taking a ~creative hiatus~
Summer comes with all this weird pressure to, yes, relax but also to, like, do ~interesting things~ with your time (especially if you had one of those decidedly un-chill parents who devised all kinds of #programming to fill your time when everyone else was allowed to dick around in their backyards) (sup mom).
Travel — the more exotic and photographed, the better — usually reigns as the ultimate ~interesting thing~ to do, but APPARENTLY there is now an official trend where people are taking “creative hiatuses” instead of shelling out for the usual Hamptons decamp (#HampDecamp?) according to the Times Style section.
That Times piece is extremely ~lol first world problems~ (also: unsure if reading “We’re not seeing the Grand Canyon, but we are constantly taking trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot” inspired us or depressed us), and we also don’t think dedicating one’s summer to #thatcreativehustle necessarily makes you a better person than someone who genuinely wants to hang in Ibiza for a week.
But, if you’re intrigued, Quartzy did a more accessible piece on how staycations really are underrated, and how at the end of the day, whether you choose to spend yr summer days cranking out a memoir, aimlessly walking around the neighborhood, OR just deep-cleaning your kitchen; it’s all an objective good use of time if that’s what you just feel like doing. Because, whatever, it’s fuckin hot out anyway.
Like Deez Links? Forward to someone to hiatus it up with this weekend.