TIL media twitter has always been “undignified, but fascinating”
I’ve been a lil outta sync (I mean could you tell when I dusted off a 2017 link for yesterday) around day-to-day media stuff while trying to keep up with the general movement of the world, but here are some interesting things I’ve read recently and found worthwhile:
This part-obituary, part-genesis story of Media Twitter as we know it from Joshua Benton is a fun little dive down the ‘00s internet rabbithole. (Length: very short!)
This New Yorker story on space trash is way more fun to read online (it almost makes me miss the heyday of 2010s scrollsperiences) and is very accessible and action-packed for, you know, a story on space trash. (A good lunch-read length)
Finally, I feel like I’m the last person to read Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped from last year, mostly because I thought it was going to be really boring boardroom intrigue (sorry mike) and also who really wants to devote any more brain space in 2020 to Travis Kalanick anyway, but it is actually very! dishy! and feels like eavesdropping on a convo where everyone’s spilling which famous techies are actually really awkward (most of them), whose girlfriend Sergey Brin supposedly hit on at a party, and generally who hates whom in Silicon Valley. So if you don’t care about apps and tEcHnOloGy you will still like this book for all the rich white bro drama and a premium serving of schadenfreude for sure. (Length: quite long but on the plus side you get to pretend it’s 2017 all over again)