This week: The Cool & The Ugh

Cool things from/found on the web this week:
Google’s new keyboard (for iPhone): Gboard — has anyone downloaded it yet? Looks super neat, though word has it that it’s a bit clunky (as all things that are not #blessed by Apple tend to be) rn. Man, aren’t we so glad someone solved the excruciating problem of having to switch between Messages and Safari faced by millions around the world every day???
This website:, a crowdsourced list of how much freelancing journalists get paid by like basically any publication out there. Cool in terms of freelancers banding together for ~industry transparency~, much less cool when you look at the actual rates, though.
Ugh things from/found on the web this week:
The whole “Should Women Be Forced/Expected To Wear High Heels In The Workplace/At All” issue, which blew up when this British receptionist was sent home for not wearing heels. I recommend The Guardian’s follow-up on this & this New Yorker essay that should scare the living shit out of you on the health implications of wearing heels.
New York is sucking up the podcast industry, just like everything else in digital media, further confirming the particular law of physics that mandates that everything congeal — figuratively, literally — in NYC.
What the fuck is this PETA ad.
That’s it for this week! Go forth and flourish.