The revolution’s happenin in ~~new york~~

A certain executive at The Atlantic gets inspiration to write his most poetic emails whilst on the Acela Express, but I’m afraid the Acela is not my kind of muse, as I am mostly sloshing around in my seat right now just trying to keep my fingers on the keyboard while hurtling through Maryland. But NO FEAR, because this amazing New York mag piece, “Trump may have America, but the city is still ours“ is all the lyricism you’ll ever need today. (If you’re no New Yorker, just replace “city” with “country,” because that’s true, too).
Anyway, tl;dr...

Don’t forget to send me your favorite links from 2016! I’ll put them all together and send out the big mama Deez on Friday.
Like Deez Links? Forward to the revolution.