the line metaphor seems a bit obvious if you ask me
If you missed the kerfuffle from January over the New Yorker’s Ken Auletta paying a student journalist to stand in line for him to snag a spot in the Weinstein trial courtroom, just know that it basically entailed a lot of media types being like !!!!!!!!! this is extremely degrading and we will not have it!!!!!!!! and old school types being like it’s fine!!! It’s éxposure!!! When **I** was starting out I shined William Randolph Hearst’s shoes personally until he gave me a 20-year contract with full benefits!!!!!!What’s the problem here???
Thank god the student in question, Eddy Martinez, wrote about the whole situation for the CJR last week and tl;dr his response is basically “hey guys given the general state of the industry, it was like fine.” It’s not long; I highly recommend reading it all.
My only other take is that this whole wait-your-turn-in-line-for-literal-and-figurative-access metaphor seems a little on the nose for whichever Aaron Sorkin-scripted episode we are in for The Newsroom But It Just Keeps Getting Worse Without Ending, so someone please be sure the director sees these notes.
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