The earbud generation: consuming content + also investing in the hearing aid market

It’s a wonder that our generation hasn’t yet achieved complete and total hearing loss after having undertaken the great responsibility of Growing Up As The First Kids With Earbuds, but if we’re assuming we (and future gens.) will still be willing and like, capable, of consuming ~audio content~, here’s two links to consider:
“How Podcasting Got Better,” from, wherein the hosts of Call Your Girlfriend and For Colored Nerds discuss how the podcasting renaissance includes, wonderfully, the ability for marginalized voices to ~speak out~, arguably more meaningfully than they could on any other medium. (H/t to the wondrous @stefhayes1 for the link!)
“The fight for the future of NPR”, from Slate, wherein THE radio brand grapples with the future of what is it come (podcasts, young people, etc.).
Also, if you’re looking for another podcast to get into, particularly of the ~women of color talking about important, cool issues and highlighting other podcasts by people of color~ variety, Stef and I highly recommend BuzzFeed’s “Another Round,” which also puts out a great newsletter you can sign up for here.