*sings 'Fight Song' under breath until the end of time*

So many Hillary links & feels, where to even begin:
The most on point Shouts & Murmurs from The New Yorker, which paints a glorious magical portrait of the matriarchal revolution to maybe come.
Rebecca Traister’s must-read analysis of Bill Clinton’s ace tryout as First Spouse.
3. A list of publications who should feel some fuckin’ SHAME because they’re either dumb enough to put the wrong Clinton on their page by accident or sexist enough to do it on purpose.
4. And okay, this celeb a capella video put together by Elizabeth Banks that got me feelin’ all kinds of empowerment. Is there any medium more powerful than a celeb music mashup? NO. THERE ISN’T. Callin’ it now: it is gonna be the medium that saves us all.
5. Did you watch Hillary’s “gloriously cheesy” satellite appearance last night after she got officially nommed?
Her little Skype-in sesh was short, but it really had me thinking about how the Dems/publications have kind of been struggling on how to show what a big goddamn CONCEPT it is for a woman to probably be our next president, in a mega-cluttered and loud ~internet~ space.
Like, when every other tweet/headline is screaming about so-and-so cat video is ~gonna change ur life~ and etc., and the public at large has kind of seen this Hillary thing coming for ~10 or so years, just how do you emphasize how big a truly big deal like this really is? Spotlighting amazing 100-year-old+ women for historical context is one way.
And another, perhaps cheesy but glorious nonetheless, was Hill’s virtual entrance last night — paired with a near-literal interpretation of the glass metaphor + the stark visual effect of all them president men lined up — and her line at the end when she’s like “THIS COULD BE YOU, YOUNG LADIES!!!”* (*condensed and edited for clarity) was simple, but perhaps the most impactful of all. So far.
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