on hate mail

For everyone who also had to field calls last week from timidly terrified parents asking about the security protocols at your place of work, this Huffington Post roundup of the hatemail their staffers routinely receive paints a disquieting picture of the vitriol almost everyone in the industry is exposed to (especially if you’re a woman of color in a public-facing journo job, as Poynter found) — and the kind of violence, apparently, that can be carried out, as we saw with the Capital Gazette.
If you’re one of the lucky ones who always have had a pretty dece experience online, the screenshots and tweets of these threats against HuffPost should give you an idea of what is an hourly occurrence for others, and if you’re in a position of power, it’s as great a time as any to consider how you’re supporting people exposed to harassment, and what you’re going to do about it (CC: @jack like I’m just sayin, man).
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