obamatober in full sweet, you guys
‘Tis the beginning of the season of peak Obama content, and there are no complaints here at Deez Links. I recommend a look through New York mag’s monstrous timeline of the past 8 years of like, ~ our entire culture,~ as well as Vanity Fair’s “exit interview” with Barry. Usually am not a fan of straight-up Q&As, but this one was conducted by a v. badass presidential historian, and it’s so fun to observe her and Barack totally vibing together.
Elsewhere in political writing, you really should read this New Yorker piece, “In the heart of Trump country,” which is maybe the most nuanced/honest thing out there about what it means to be a Trump supporter. Like, yeah, some of them are categorical ignorant racists, but not all, and that’s an incredibly important distinction that all journalists involved with covering this election need to understand.
And finally, Diamond Joe wonders why he isn’t a spokesperson for Ray Ban, in today’s TheSkimm (h/t Anna!), — as do we all.
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