mostly none of this is fair
Okay, so, we’ve been doing a lot of thinking about that whole Taffy Brodesser-Akner makes how much per word? controversy after it basically ripped women’s media Twitter in half last week, and we still think that the Jezebel writeup — The Lie of Feminist Meritocracy — is the best thing to read if you want to get beyond the uneasy personal stuff it all seemed to dredge up and focus on the big picture: i.e., that saying something in the industry doesn’t seem fair isn’t entirely uncalled for when, well, the industry really isn’t fair, and especially not for for a huge part of the work force (AKA women, yes, but also people from certain backgrounds, non-Ivy educations, and non-coastal zip codes).
“That’s how scarcity works: everything is supposed to feel so fragile that one false move might mean you’re left with even less than what you started with,” writes Katie McDonough, confirming that sinking feeling you’ve probably had at the end of even a pretty dece performance review. “At a bar a few weeks later, my colleagues and I all told each other what we made anyway.” Do more of that, people. Especially you men. We’ll find out soon enough.