🎶 Mobile reading is supreme / The publishers will scream / for Google Greased Lightning 🎶
Today, when you Google search some news topic on your phone, you savvy digital media consumer you, something will look different. And you’ll have so many questions.
Like: What are these new boxy publisher links?
Why are they labeled “AMP” with a lightning bolt?
And, holy platform wars, Batman, why does this article magically load at the speed of light?

And I’m here to tell you (w/a John Travolta voice), Why, it’s Google Greased Lighting!!!

JK. It’s actually called* Google Accelerated Mobile Pages, and it’s a project that the big G launched unofficially yesterday/officially today. Basically, it’s a new web page format that makes news articles load up a shit ton faster** whilst Googling on your ~mobile device.~
Cool for you as a news reader, but TBD if it'll cool for media outlets, too. On one hand, playas like the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal are betting that faster mobile page loads = more readers = more $$$ made off ads. On the other hand, u kno there's some poor, sleep-deprived developer trapped in the WaPo basement and re-working web pages for the new format.
Here’s a Digiday article on how publishers are getting with AMP. I will just leave this quote here:
“If there’s one partner to get in bed with, it’s Google, because they’re always on the up-and-up.”
Too many double entendres. Can’t choose. Send help.

*But someone plz let ol' Pichai that I am open to lending my services for a last-minute rebrand.
** Up to 85 percent!
Read more at: Politico Media and Search Engine Watch