Ladies, leave yo reinforced norms at home
So you wanna be a woman (/befriend/marry/raise a woman) in the media/tech/working world? Okay, let’s get in formation:
Something to think about… “The same behaviors that spell academic success can backfire at work,” especially for women, thanks to a combo of goodies like underrepresentation, reinforced gender norms and the Western educational system.
Something to get pissed about… Sarah Lacy, editor-in-chief of this tech news site called Pando, discovered that among Silicon Valley startup founders and investors, yes, they are mostly dudes, BUT ALSO these dudes especially tend to not have working spouses. Cue more reinforced norms and resulting implications.
Someone to get inspired by… Second time dis week I’ve linked about BuzzFeed, I know, and also am obvs biased in an ~Asian sista~ way, but reading this separate interview with BF’s publisher Dao Nguyen was a welcome change of pace aside from the usual “white male singlehandedly responsible for carrying media into the future here is his wisdom” narrative.
Bonus: Something to help with … The incomparable Madison Feller and I have a pet project/personal challenge where we are trying to make a list of 100 smart women shaking up the media industry. Care to contribute a name or, like, seven? Email me at!
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