It's the news app that texts back

If all you fucking want for Valentine's Day is someone who's remotely informed about the state of the world AND who will text you back immediately always, allow me to introduce you to the new Quartz mobile app. (lol disclaimer: I work for Atlantic Media, which owns Quartz). The news app looks and feels like a text conversation between you and a really informed/attentive/emoji-loving S.O., and it's a BFD because everyone's been thinking for a while about how to adapt media for things like Facebook messenger, Whatsapp and other messaging platforms.
Here's what using it looks like:

Cute, right? The app even displays the little "still typing" dots, as if it's, like, mega considerate of your personal sched and also was just so excited to get back to you so fast because it loves talking to you, anyway.
Anyway, after its release yesterday, media industry hearts are predictably aflutter, and this Nieman Lab article has a good roundup of everyone's experience with the Quartz [R]Appture. The industry's always had a perpetual hard on for literally anything Quartz does -- the resident cool girl biz news site has only been around for three years, but it's been seriously changing the game of making news look good on your phone. So it'll be interesting to see where Quartz takes the app from here. Right now, the heavy use of gifs, emojis and a snarky voice make it more of a young media nerd's plaything, but at this point, anything to get at ~them millennials~ is prob. a good move.
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