Some cool news for today: Deez Links is partnering with our pals at Study Hall to form a classified ads network! So if you’ve got something you want to get in front of the most plugged-in audience on the internet (AKA all the readers of this newsletter + Study Hall’s phalanx of subscribers) this is your chance!!!!
FYI, this is **separate** from my Signal Boost section, which is for media workers who’ve been laid off/furloughed and are looking for work. That will always be free. But I’ve been wanting to extend this newsletter as a broader platform for brands, job listings, etc. for a while, and of course, to make Deez Links a more sustainable endeavor in general.
Here are the details; use the google form if you have any questions!
Hey could you help me out? I've only got 11 subscribers and I need help spreading the word. I have a VERY small friend group and outside of that no one's going to be willing. Can y'all pread the word?
Freelance international journalist seeking sponsorship for a major project,