if the cut & buzzfeed had a baby...
Mmmmmm so this Nora Ephron micro-dive on rom-com dialogue from the NYT is interesting, buuuuuut also this series concept is kind of a slight rip-off from The Cut’s “I Think About This A Lot” series with like, BuzzFeed-esque pacing and gif-ery going on?? What think ye, Deezers?
I mean, just look at how the two series bill themselves:
“I Think About This a Lot is a series dedicated to private memes: images, videos, and other random trivia we are doomed to play forever on loop in our minds.”
“Why I Love: An ongoing series devoted to the little things (a soundtrack, a sculpture, a scene, a bit, a title sequence, a music video, a line) we love.”
(lol @ NYT dropping the line about sculpture, as if to remind us plebeians of our un-sculpture-aware plebeiness).
(Also also, ftr, this is the best ‘I Think About This A Lot’ piece, yr welcome).