ok but how DOES she do it!?!
What is it with Heather Havrilesky and the way she waxes transcendent about our luminous animal existence that makes us just stupidly giddy about having a pulse? Or how she can take the ol’ “XX kinds of people you date in your 20s” frame and it make it funnier, hotter, and wiser in 12 beats or less? Or how she’ll electrify the word “luscious” — which let’s be honest, none of us use nearly enough — and turn it into a lifestyle edict to be followed wholly and wantonly.
Anway, what I’m saying is, if you love her Ask Polly advice column in The Cut, you are missing the hell out on the accompanying religion of her weirder, wilder Ask Molly newsletter. ENJOY.
Deez Links is a dailyish media newsletter from Delia Cai. Catch more links at deezlinks.substack.com and in real time @delia_cai!