have you hugged your journalist today??
One documentary you should def watch as a journalist/journo-lover is most def. Which Way Is The Front Line From Here (it’s on HBO now!), which is a 2013 doc on the mega-admirable late conflict photographer Tim Hetherington, who was killed on the job in 2011.
It’s one of those films/Hetherington was one of those heroes that will completely redeem yr belief in ~journalism~ despite whatever dark alleys of Twitter you find yourself in, and I was thinking about it today when I came across this fascinating VICE article: This Is Where War Reporters Go to Learn How to Stay Alive on the Front Lines, which is about this training course that prepares freelancers for working in terrifying conditions.
Just your daily reminder that it ain’t all Olympic gifs out there, and also: can we take a moment to bask in pure relief that the RNC/DNC took place without major violent incident? Apparently tons of politico journalists had literally been taking these war zone courses to prepare for the conventions. (Can personally corroborate: At this Rebecca Traister book reading before the conventions, I overheard her talking about how NY Mag wasn’t sure if they should drop $$ a bulletproof vest for her team!)
What a hot, dangerous, news-slammed summer this has been. To all the journos putting your necks on the line for us — may we raise a glass.
Deez Links would like to pass on a PSA from her eye doctor: plz do not wear your contacts 24/7, apparently, or you will learn what an eyeball ulcer is.