half off classified listings in Deez Links for January
Let's get your project/hustle/personals/podcast some 2025 eyeballs!
Hello from sunny (but still kinda chilly?) California!
Just wanted to send a note re: classified listings in Deez Links for all of January, if you feel compelled by some New Year energy to place one: They’re usually $200 per listing (or $650 for a pack of four), but for this month, they’ll be half off. So $100 per listing (or $325 for a 4-pack). You can fill out this Google Form to save yourself a spot and enter your listings copy.
Just please specify which week(s) in Jan you’d like":
Week of Jan. 6
Week of Jan. 13
Week of Jan. 20
Week of Jan. 27
Here’s a recent edition of Deez Links with classifieds, so you can see what it looks like. See you soon!