from garbage ye came, to garbage ye shall return

At this point, media publishers are just kind of stoked about not getting thrown into a literal Hunger Games pit wherein they are then extracted one by one to be carved up as Mark Zuckerberg’s breakfast, and so when Facebook announces a partnership of some sort with any outlet, the industry’s first reaction is omfg thank u lord mark for letting me live another day.
The latest of these partnerships: a series of political town halls with Glamour magazine, which sounds neat in that we can all get on board with ~educating and empowering women in politics~, but my former Watergate lunchmate Li Zhou at The Atlantic points out that this kind of partnership is actually a v. slippery slope. Because if we use Facebook audience data to decide what people want to read/hear/learn about, then we’d all be consuming some close-minded shit, no?
A v. simplified/extreme illustration of the implications:

^will the circle b unbroken? ever?
*I realize this is less Hunger Games reference and more of a Hunger Games/Most Dangerous Game/Lord Voldemort/Grinch, sort of, mashup reference.