[footage of] Hillz on the sub going round and round

Came across this list of 76 ways to make money in digital media from 2014 (!!!) that you should forward to your boss (and/or read up and helpfully slip in a conversation yourself). It’s pretty neat to see how exhaustive and forward-thinking this list is, considering 2014 basically feels like a bygone era, back when ad blocking wasn’t a thing, brands didn’t know what Snapchat was and the most divisive national issue was whether The Fault In Our Stars was worth seeing.
On a less industry-related note: easily the best thing that I’ve read all week, though it’s less hilarious if you don’t fall inside the target audience of a New York local (however newly so) who is def. not feeling much of a Bern —“Bernie Sanders is not a New Yorker,” from the HuffPost, which should also be accompanied by this just simply cute video of Hillz taking the subway and coming to grips with the reality that NYC subway turnstiles are harder to please than the most brutal of Asian tiger moms.
Deez Links wishes you good fortune and brunch comas this weekend.