finally! an algorithm that gets you!!

Something about Mondays, and more so about sweaty-summer-heat-dome-with-the-office-AC-broken Mondays (more like MonDAZE amirite) that posits the all-important question: do I need a life coach?
Luckily, NPR has got us covered, with this really neat story: I asked my computer to be my life coach, which will point you to this incredible tool that will analyze your writing to infer your personality. I plugged in a few journal entries and was told that I am “guarded yet excitable,” which is 20000% true, though I guess I don't know anyone who isn't... Hbu??
Deez Links is melting in dis heat so please forward to someone who knows how to fix an entire building’s cooling system/owns a fan. ALSO!!! Today is the 100th edition of Deez Links, sooo: