Fake news, part deux

If you haven’t by now, you need to read this interview with a Facebook fake news writer, conducted by the Washington Post’s Caitlin Dewey. Downright chilling. Dewey’s an ~internet things~ reporter who’s been on this whole fake news thing WAY before it’s seized our collective consciousness by the throat, so she’ll definitely be the voice to watch as this fuckery plays out (H/t Gabs for linking me!).
For more reading on this stuff with a bit of a longer view than like, this past week, I highly recommend checking out Dewey’s older “What was fake on the internet this week” columns.
Here’s perhaps the most disheartening line from her last column from 2015 on this:
“...the sort of readers who would unskeptically share such a far-fetched story site are exactly the readers who will not be convinced by The Washington Post’s debunking.”
This is the point, esteemed journalistic colleagues, where we go well, fuck.
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